Yoga Poses


Sirsasana Headstand - How to practice headstand, Benefits





Yoga Posture name – Sirsaasana

Yoga Posture Type – Inversion

Level  of the pose –  Advance

English Meaning – Head Stand

How to practice Headstand (Sirsasana)?

  1. Start This pose with child pose, From the Child pose, Come to the tabletop pose and the drop your forearm down, 
  2. Now interlock Your fingers and firm the skin of your outer forearm in,
  3. Now as you place the center of the head, again check the only center of the head you’ll hurt your neck,
  4. Now  Check that elbow and shoulder should be aligned, Press your forearm and start walking as close as you can come towards the head and then bend one knee and lift your feet up while taking the support of their other foot,
  5. Inhale, Now slowly press your forearm, and lift your other foot off to the floor.
  6. Then maybe you can stay there or with every inhale you can straighten your both leg.
  7. Now activate your front of the thigh, And keep your inner ankle together.

What is Alignment of Headstand ?

  1. Centre of the head on the floor.

  2. Try to put 75% weight on the forearm by activating it.

  3. Shoulder blades apart from each other.

  4. Core engaged or suck the belly in.

  5. Rotate your thigh in and engage.

  6. Try to engage your butts but same time keep your inner ankle together.

  7. Avoid banana back,

How to finish Headstand Yoga Pose ?

As you hold the pose 2-3 minutes, Exhale and slowly bring your leg down, But make sure do it slowly and with the active leg. And go to the child pose.


What are the Modification for Sirsasana ?

  1. As a beginner to lifting your leg up, use brick under your feet to get hight,

  2. Take the support of the wall.

  3. There are many modifications for the head pose, You must visit Retreat centre to learn deeper.

What are the Benefits of the Headstand (Sirsasana) ?

  1. Help to release stress.

  2. Very good for arthritis.

  3. Help to stimulate the pituitary gland, pineal gland.

  4. Good for the digestive system.

  5. Improves concentration and brain health,

  6. Good for ear, eyes,

  7. Increases the strength of the hairs as fresh blood goes to follicle and scalps,

  8. increases the glow of the face.

Who should not practice Headstand ?

  1. Avoid if you Got a lower back Injury.

  2. Avoid if you got any injury related to the brain.

  3. A pregnant woman should avoid it.

What is Preparatory pose for Tree pose ?

  1. Shashankasana
  2. Adho Mukha svanasana
  3. Wall Sirsasana ( Headstand)

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

if one practices headstand every day. it brings hormonal balance in the body as it stimulates the Pituitary gland, it helps to relieve stress, decompresses the spine, improves fresh blood circulation in the body, helps to get rid of wrinkles, pimples, makes your face glow, improves eyes, ears workflow. improves memory, alertness, makes your brain health, etc.

No, headstand should not be practiced during Periods, because this is inversion posture and it can put overpressure on the reproductive system. and the head gets heavy, which can make their mood bad.

Sanskrit’s name of headstand is “Sirsasana” or “Salambh Sirsasana” which means supported headstand.

Diarrhea, Neck issue, Spinal issue, Brain related surgery, fever, headache. and Slip disc or Hernia-related problem should practice with caution.

“Headstand” (Sirsasana) is the King of all pose.

There are many reasons for that, first, it stimulates 1000 petals Sahasrara chakra, it has many benefits as it stimulates the pituitary gland, brings a balance of hormones in the body, it stimulates the sympathetic nervous system which is Pingala or Surya Nadi as masculine nature.