Yoga Poses


Vrikshasana Tree Pose: How to Practice Vrikshasana & Benefits

Vrikshasana (tree pose)

Yoga Posture name – Vrikshasana

Yoga Posture Type – Standing pose

Level  of the pose –  Intermediate

English Meaning – Tree Pose

How to Practice Tree pose (Vrikshasana) ?

  1. Stand in the front of your mat, close your eyes and Observe both feet.

  2. Both feet Should be evenly Pressed.

  3. To Feel the distribution of the weight, firm your feet on the floor and move your body forward and backward, side to side, so you can feel the 4 points or 3 points of the feet.

  4. Lift Your Right foot with respect ( Like you are taking water in your palm), do not rush or you will get a nice twist in your knee( which is not good for your knee)

  5. place your Right Soul of the feet Close to your Left inner Thigh and farmly press your inner edge of the Right feet.

  6. Now activate both thighs to maintain your balance in Left Leg,

  7. Try to find a particular point to find a balance. 

  8. Now inhale, place your palm in front of your sternum,

  9. Shoulders back and Chest broader. 

  10. Now if one can stretch the arms over the head, they must try otherwise hold the posture as you were before.

  11. Exhale, Slowly grab your right foot and drop it to the floor.

  12. After you finish the posture, Now Switch to the other side.


What is alighnment of Tree Pose ?

  1. Activate your inner edge of the left foot.
  2. left Knee facing forward.
  3. Right knee  facing left side making a 90-degree angle with the left knee, if possible,
  4. Internal rotation of Left thigh and external rotation of the right thigh.
  5. lengthen your both side of the waist,
  6. chest open, and Shoulder broader and place palms in front of your chest,
  7. arms up over your head, if the shoulder is tight Then open your arms, shoulder-width apart,
  8. otherwise, raise your arms up and place your palm together,


What are the Benefits of the Tree Pose ?

  1. It helps to increases concentration, and makes you more focused,
  2. It helps to improve balance and makes you calm.
  3. Opens the hips and Increases the strength of your leg.
  4. Tones your Upper body muscles.


Who should not practice Tree pose?

  1. If one has a migraine, insomnia then avoid it,
  2. if one has an Ankle injury or knee injury then avoid it.


What is Preparatory pose for Tree pose ?

  1. Tadasana
  2. Utkatakana


Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

One of the best benefit of Tree pose is that it is best for improving concentration, Which can be very helpful for students and also helps to calm the mind and body, increase the strength of lower body .

Girls should skip Asana Practice for 2-3 days during menstruation, but if one wants to practice then Yes, You can try this, as it helps to calm the mind and body. and then supine relax poses.

The Sanskrit name of Tree Pose is Vriksasana .

If someone has knee injury or ankle injury, migraine. they can avoid Tree Pose.

Muladhara Chakra ( Root Chakra.